Corporate Social Responsibility

At KEMIE, we work with enjoyment, with passion and with each other. We take our social responsibility as a business very seriously. Our CSR policy is aimed at 5 main points: raw materials, work environment, climate, society and future. Ambitious? Absolutely! And we’re rather proud of it, too.

Raw materials – Responsible use of our resources

Since the very start of Kemie, we have procured our raw materials from as close to home as possible and as near to the source as could be. We know healthy working conditions are guaranteed within Europe, the chain is easy to follow and we can reduce the use of transport. It goes without saying that we also keep a close eye on our supply chain. Regular visits to our suppliers are part of our processes. We will also become affiliated with the TruStone initiative (

Our production process is designed to keep waste to a minimum. We use nesting to combine projects to reduce waste as much as possible. To support this, our warehouse is fully digitalised and automated, allowing us to make optimal use of every slab. Our ‘scrap stream’ is not going to waste either. We find the best possible ways to use any offcuts.

Work environment – Healthy and modern working practices

High-quality production requires a healthy, modern work environment. Our factory was designed and built to provide exactly that. Our production teams work in separate spaces with excellent extraction and ventilation, reducing airborne dust to a minimum. Our people use the latest lifting aids and work in an environment that is designed to reduce noise pollution and optimise light conditions.

Climate – climate-neutral manufacturing

‘inadvertently competent’. Decisions that make sense from a business and practical perspective often also lead to a better world for all of us. For instance, we commissioned a water installation developed that recycles 98 percent of the water we use. It’s cost-saving, and also benefits the environment.

The same is true for electricity. We illuminate our workplace with automatically controlled LED lighting. Solar panels look after our entire energy consumption. We even have enough electricity left over to supply power to more than 50 households. Our transport department uses economical trucks and we always combine deliveries wherever possible to reduce the travelling distance.

Society – Our feet on the ground, right in the middle of the community

Working with raw materials responsibly and being kind to people is in our DNA. It’s how we think good enterprise should look. We are proud of our role in society. As an employer of more than 110 people most of all, but also as a sponsor of both local organisations and activities and national charities.

Future – Beautiful surfaces in a healthy world

Our aim for the future is clear: we want to be less of a burden to our planet. That’s why we are always implementing innovations and searching for new applications for existing materials. We work with our suppliers to reduce the use of raw materials and more sustainability in our processes. We commit to societal initiatives for better working conditions along the chain. Within our own organisation, we work tirelessly on process optimisation. All this means we are not just trying to create beautiful surfaces, but also a healthy world to place them in.

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Happy holidays!

Due to the summer holiday, our activities are temporarily on hold. We will resume them starting Monday, August 19.